To me the greatest joy of being a preacher is witnessing people as they open their hearts to heaven and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
December 25, 2016 was one of those Sundays that began with four teenagers being baptized at Victory Road Church of Christ. The same night around 9:30 pm we received a call that beckoned us back to the church building to witness one more baptism. Before going any further, let me tell you that my heart jumped within me full of joy. Martha Huskins, daughter of Allan and Charlene Huskins, was the one immersed into Christ. That’s why I’m writing now ~ I want my heart hitting the keyboard.
I so glad Martha knows both the “plan of salvation” and “the man of salvation”, that is, Jesus our Lord. If anything, when we are baptized into Christ, we are a trophy of His grace just like every human being that ever humbly accepted Jesus into their lives.
I stood by and watch Martha’s daddy, Allan, immerse his daughter into God’s forever family. I got to watch a daddy participate with God in bringing a new child into the world. Wow!
Martha is young, but insightful regarding spiritual things. She will start a new life in Christ and become a living letter of what young people can be when they surrender to the Lord instead of the world. Her mother, Charlene, and daddy, Allan Jr., have taught each of their three children well. Martha knows only Jesus can give her eternal life, real joy, and a constant companionship with God. The Holy Spirit will live in her heart and begin His process of growing this young lady into a godly woman. Between God, Martha’s parents, and two Christian brothers, Samuel and Allan III, she will shine for Jesus!
I sat back and enjoyed watching God working in the life of a beautiful family, and I know God has already influenced Martha through those who taught her: parents, grandma, grandpa, aunt, cousins, etc. You see, this family goes back generations with the Lord in the lead. I’ve been blessed to watch some of it happen for over 53 years: her parents, grandparents, Allan Sr. and Faye Huskins, Great Grandparents, Jack and Essie Whitehead, and Martha’s Great-Great Grandmother, Janie Whitehead.
You can begin, if you haven’t already, preparing future generations for accepting the Lord. But if you’ve not begun the journey ~ it’s time you do! The Lord is knocking on the door of your heart. Open the door and let Him come in.