Thoughts To Encourage Godly Living
August 13, 2002
Today is my birthday. Actually, it’s the 19th anniversary of my 39th birthday. The mirror that has always reflected my image isn’t nearly as complimentary as before. My hair is parting like the Red Sea. My face has lost some elasticity — okay — it looks like a road map to Cut & Shoot, Texas. Wrinkles aren’t so bad — but I miss my mind. I can only wonder how my memory’s doing.
Changes in my looks don’t bother me much. Even though my nose and ears are larger — so are my wife and children’s love. Now I even have love from grandchildren. I don’t play football or soccer anymore, but now I read books and drink lattes at Barnes & Noble.
Changes aren’t always good. My relatives and friends are getting older too. Some are sick — some have passed on. I miss being with people I’ve been close to in the past. I wish we could all go home and have a family reunion. I pointed to a man yesterday that reminded me of a departed friend. As I pointed, I said to Betty, “Look! Doesn’t that look like Brother B.?” Brother Rogers Bartley fell asleep in Jesus just about a year ago so it couldn’t have been him. But I wanted it to be. I miss my friends!
I guess 58 isn’t that old. Another friend, Louis Pennisi, is 105 years old and still loving the Lord. Age, for me, consists in things before and after. I’d like to keep the blessings of my past and add more to the future. I’d also like to forget the sins of my past and not add any more. I love the apostle Paul’s statement, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13ff-14).
One thing I won’t change is my desire for heaven, or my hope to take others with me. Won’t that be the grandest reunion ever? And to think, it will be an eternal reunion. No more tears, no more sorrows, and no more birthdays. Yeah!
Love you,
Rick Smith
Las Vegas, Nevada
Very nice. So very true.
I miss you Daddy! Happy Birthday! I hope you got a BIG cake with your favorite ice cream.
Was a very talented guy. Had a gift of writing. Thanks for sharing. We’re with you in spirit. Hope to get back to see you again. So thankful we saw y’all last year.
My Dear Christian Brother,
Today is the Lord’s Day, and you were not at church to tell us about the love of God. I can’t tell you how much you are missed, and I especially miss your every Sunday saying ” And the church said!” (AMEN)
I am sad because I miss you. But I’m happy for you, because I know you are with our Father God. I will see you again someday Rick. I hope my mansion will be next to yours. I love you.
He was so amazing he was so smart he takes everyone laugh it makes you think about what he says because everything he says seriously made sense I wish Ron would take after him and following his footsteps
Thank you Betty for sharing! What a blessing from Rick! He always had a sense of humor, but he is right… we all want to go back to see old friends , family, remember the good parts of our lives and forget the sad parts, I often wonder about what happens if One makes it to heaven and there stands a person or family member that one has bad memories of that person. How would one react?Or will it all be wipe from our memory? I love Ricks message. I needed this today. He is still lifting us up from heaven. Love you all!!!!
Happy Birthday, Rick!
Thanks for sharing this, Betty. I’ll miss his blogs and the inspiration he gave to me for my blogs.
So very touching & true.Thank you Betty for posting so everyone can read it.
What a perfect piece to share, Betty. Thank you. Words and so powerful and these words from Rick will as Shakespeare said, (very loosely quoted here) “…give life to Rick…as long as we live. breathe, see…” And you have so many more precious memories (and writings), I’m sure. I’m wishing you new spaces in your heart to hold memories and great comfort. My love to you, the children, and grandchildren I’ve never met. And God’s peace, wisdom, and ultimate joy to you.